Hey there! Today, we’re diving into the world of fitness Guinness World Records and trust me, it’s absolutely mind-blowing! In this video by Magnus Method, a celebrity trainer reacts to the most INSANE fitness records ever achieved. From mind-boggling pull-ups to jaw-dropping push-ups, these records will leave you in awe. But, before we get into it, did you know that Magnus has an app where you can access all his training programs for as low as 27 cents per day? Now, let’s jump right in and witness some of these incredible feats of strength and endurance. And don’t forget to hit that like button and subscribe for more amazing content!

Most consecutive pull-ups with a ball balanced on the head

Pull-ups are already a feat of strength and endurance, but imagine adding an extra challenge by balancing a ball on your head while performing them. This is exactly what the record for the most consecutive pull-ups with a ball balanced on the head entails. The current record stands at an impressive 10 reps.

Pull-ups require significant upper body strength, particularly in the muscles of the back, arms, and shoulders. Being able to perform them with a ball balanced on the head requires exceptional control and stability. It not only demonstrates strength, but also highlights the ability to maintain focus and concentration.

While this record may seem incredibly difficult to achieve, it serves as an inspiration for those looking to push their limits and take their fitness to new heights. It shows that with dedication and perseverance, even the most challenging goals can be accomplished.

Most push-ups with behind the back claps in one minute

Push-ups are a staple exercise for building upper body strength and are commonly performed during workouts. However, the record for the most push-ups with behind the back claps in one minute takes this exercise to a whole new level. The current record holder managed to perform an extraordinary 46 push-ups in just one minute.

Performing a push-up requires engaging the chest, triceps, shoulders, and core muscles. Adding a clap behind the back not only increases the difficulty, but also requires coordination and agility. It demonstrates an advanced level of strength and control in the upper body, making it an impressive achievement.

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While most people may struggle to perform a single push-up, let alone with a clap, this record shows what can be achieved with consistent training and dedication. It serves as a reminder that fitness goals are attainable with the right mindset and perseverance.

Pinky pull-ups

Pull-ups are known for strengthening the back, arms, and shoulders, but performing them using only the pinky fingers takes this exercise to a whole new level. The record for the most pinky pull-ups currently stands at an astonishing 36 reps.

Performing pull-ups using only the pinky fingers requires incredible grip strength and stability. The pinky fingers are the weakest fingers, and most people would struggle to hang from a bar using just these fingers, let alone perform multiple pull-ups. This record demonstrates not only outstanding strength but also showcases the importance of focused training and determination.

It’s worth noting that attempting pinky pull-ups without proper training and preparation can lead to injury. This record should serve as inspiration for setting challenging fitness goals but should be pursued safely and with caution.

Longest time in an abdominal plank position

The abdominal plank is a static exercise that targets the core muscles, including the abs, obliques, and lower back. It may seem simple, but holding the position for an extended period requires a great deal of strength and endurance. The current record for the longest time in an abdominal plank position stands at a mind-boggling 8 hours, 15 minutes, and 15 seconds.

Maintaining an abdominal plank for such a long duration challenges the muscular endurance of the entire core. It also requires mental fortitude and the ability to push through physical discomfort. Achieving this record is a testament to the dedication and discipline of the individual involved.

While most people may struggle to hold an abdominal plank for even a couple of minutes, this record serves as a reminder that with consistent training and practice, impressive feats can be accomplished. It encourages individuals to test their limits and push themselves to achieve new milestones in their fitness journey.

Heaviest Sumo Deadlift in one minute

The Sumo Deadlift is a variation of the traditional deadlift exercise that places more emphasis on the muscles of the legs and hips. It involves gripping a barbell with a wide stance and performing a deadlift motion. The record for the heaviest Sumo Deadlift in one minute currently stands at a staggering 3080 kilograms.

Lifting such a massive amount of weight in just one minute requires exceptional strength, technique, and endurance. The Sumo Deadlift utilizes the muscles of the legs, glutes, lower back, and forearms. It showcases the individual’s ability to generate force and overcome the resistance offered by the weight.

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This record serves as an inspiration for those looking to enhance their lower body strength and power. While most people may not achieve such astronomical weights in their training, it demonstrates the importance of setting challenging goals and consistently working towards them.

Tandem push-ups

Push-ups are a versatile exercise that can be modified to increase the difficulty and target different muscle groups. Tandem push-ups take this exercise to a whole new level by requiring two individuals to perform push-ups in sync. The record for the most tandem push-ups stands at an impressive 30 reps.

Performing tandem push-ups requires coordination, communication, and teamwork. Both individuals must synchronize their movements to maintain the proper form throughout the exercise. It requires trust in the other person’s abilities and enhances the strength of the upper body and core muscles.

This record demonstrates the importance of collaboration and support when it comes to achieving fitness goals. It serves as a reminder that fitness can be a social activity, and working out with a partner can provide motivation and encouragement.

Longest duration spinning 30 Hoops simultaneously

Hula hooping is not only a fun childhood activity but also a great exercise for the core muscles and overall cardiovascular health. The record for the longest duration spinning 30 hoops simultaneously currently stands at an impressive 35 seconds.

Spinning multiple hoops at the same time requires dexterity, coordination, and control. It engages the muscles of the abdomen, hips, and lower back while also providing a cardio workout. Achieving this record requires precise body movements and the ability to multitask.

Hula hooping can be a fun and effective way to incorporate exercise into your routine. It not only improves core strength but also enhances coordination and balance. Setting personal goals for hula hooping can be a rewarding way to make fitness more enjoyable.

One arm push-ups

Push-ups are a fundamental exercise for building upper body strength, but performing them with one arm takes the difficulty to another level. The record for the most one-arm push-ups currently stands at an impressive 44 reps.

Performing a one-arm push-up requires exceptional strength and stability in the shoulder, chest, and arm muscles. It engages the core muscles to maintain balance and control during the movement. This exercise not only challenges physical strength but also highlights the importance of body control and stability.

One-arm push-ups are a testament to the capabilities of the human body and serve as inspiration for those looking to push their limits. While it may take time and practice to build up the necessary strength, working towards achieving this exercise can lead to improvements in overall fitness.

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Full contact punch strikes in one minute

Punching is a fundamental component of various combat sports and martial arts disciplines. The record for the most full contact punch strikes in one minute currently stands at an astonishing 654 strikes.

Performing full contact punch strikes requires speed, accuracy, and power. It engages the muscles of the arms, shoulders, and core while also improving cardiovascular endurance. Achieving this record signifies advanced striking ability and showcases the importance of technique and precision in combat sports.

While most people may not achieve such high numbers in their training, incorporating striking exercises into their fitness routine can provide numerous benefits. It enhances upper body strength and conditioning, improves coordination and reflexes, and serves as a stress-relieving form of exercise.

Full extension punches in one minute

Punching with full extension refers to extending the arm fully and straightening it during a punch, maximizing the power and reach of the strike. The record for the most full extension punch strikes in one minute currently stands at an impressive 334 strikes.

Performing full extension punches requires strength, speed, and proper technique. It engages the muscles of the arms, shoulders, and core while also improving cardiovascular endurance. This record demonstrates the ability to generate power and maintain consistent striking form.

Incorporating full extension punches into a fitness routine can enhance upper body strength, improve punching technique, and provide a high-intensity cardiovascular workout. While most people may not achieve such high numbers, practicing full extension punches can lead to improvements in overall fitness and striking ability.


The world of fitness is filled with individuals who push their limits and strive for greatness. The Guinness World Records showcase the incredible achievements of those who have surpassed expectations and set new standards in the realm of physical fitness.

From performing pull-ups with a ball balanced on the head to executing one-arm push-ups, these records inspire us to push beyond our perceived limits and strive for greatness. They serve as a reminder that with dedication, perseverance, and training, incredible feats can be accomplished.

While it’s important to recognize and celebrate these remarkable accomplishments, it’s also crucial to prioritize safety and the well-being of our bodies. It’s essential to set goals that challenge us without compromising our health and to listen to our bodies when they need rest and recovery.

Whether you aim to break a fitness record or simply improve your own personal best, the path to success lies in consistency, discipline, and a positive mindset. Remember, the most important record you can break is your own. So embrace the journey, celebrate your progress, and never stop striving to become the best version of yourself.